Monday, April 27, 2009

After much internal dialogue and debate and encouragement from my husband,I have decided to start this blog. It is an effort to keep my sanity with now 3 small children and not enough time to call each of my friends and spend countless hours weighing out the benefit of one preschool or another or where to find the best post partum bra. Now I can just wax on as I please and hopefully the mumbling that my husband claims I do frequently will stop. He has recently stated the mumbling has gotten "creepy" . In my own defense, it is a professional hazard. As a nurse I am constantly in a state of "what do I need to do next?" "what did I forget?" And so I became adept at talking to myself. Of course as the years have passed I guess I have forgotten the art of talking to myself without moving my lips.....thus making the whole scenario a bit "creepy ' for the hubby. What he also does not realize is this could be genetic. My mother hated going to her grandparent's house because her grandmother used to have conversations with her reflection in the dining room hutch. So blogging may only heighten the problem as now I may be thinking of things to write about and thus the mumbling will continue at length. We'll see .......

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