Tuesday, May 5, 2009

To Twitter or not to Twitter

My curiosity got the better of me one day last week when Barbara Walters was egged on by the ladies of the View to start "Twittering". I have heard of Twittering for awhile now....well actually since Piper was born since I have to sit for extended periods feeding her and my brain is too tired to really read anything. I have succumbed to the evils of day time television. Anyway, everyone famous seems to be on Twitter so I signed up to see what all the fuss is about....I still don't get it.

I signed up and then scoped out some famous people , like Oprah, who apparently was making dinner plans with Hugh Jackman. Do I really need to know this? Am I jealous? Well, yeah who wouldn't want to have dinner with Wolverine........you wouldn't even need a knife!

I found that Demi Moore was in LA for a fundraiser and that she "follows" Tony Robbins......in fact quite a few famous people follow him. And then I got caught in this labyrinth of sentences. One sentence on one person's page sent me to someone else's page and it was ......well worse than Face book. At least on Face book I am stalking my own friends. On Twitter I clicked on people I don't know to see how they know someone else. It's really quite ridiculous. Who has time for this stuff?

So I am signed up, but you cannot follow me because I am not entering what I am doing. Who wants to know I just got out of shower to the sound of my boys pummeling each other and my infant screaming? Or that I just finished cleaning my bathroom. Or that the bottoms of my feet are so rough the pedicurist had to pull out the electric sander. It's hardly worth bragging about. And probably more information than anyone needs........

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