Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cornmeal and The Housewife of Hartford County

I had said in my last post I would start eating cornmeal for lunch for a week beginning this last Monday. I forgot it was Memorial Day so I upped it to starting on Tuesday. Then I realized we have a wedding on Saturday. But I decided I would do it anyway, eat the cornmeal before we left for the wedding and then enjoy some appetizers. I think I am missing the point.

One of my friends called and asked why exactly I was going to eat cornmeal for a week. My response was to learn something about myself,test my discipline and hopefully change the way I look at the food I eat.

So far I have learned I have no discipline and I still look at food with a lust for flavor. I have not started this cornmeal lunch yet either. On Tuesday I was called to work at the Y and by the time we got home I fed everyone, including myself in a hurry. I forgot all about making some yummy cornmeal until I opened my pantry to get something else and the ingredients just yelled at me from the shelf.

I confessed to Alicia. I explained I was either really losing my memory thanks to 3 kids and lack of sleep or I really just don't want to eat the stuff. It could be both. Alicia made it through her week and Amy is still eating her gritty lunch. I am not made of the same stuff. But it's okay. At least I know what I am made of.

I think I'll pack it in and just write a check. If I can help someone else from not having to eat cornmeal 3 times a day that may be enough of a lesson for me.

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