Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cornmeal and The Housewife of Hartford County

I had said in my last post I would start eating cornmeal for lunch for a week beginning this last Monday. I forgot it was Memorial Day so I upped it to starting on Tuesday. Then I realized we have a wedding on Saturday. But I decided I would do it anyway, eat the cornmeal before we left for the wedding and then enjoy some appetizers. I think I am missing the point.

One of my friends called and asked why exactly I was going to eat cornmeal for a week. My response was to learn something about myself,test my discipline and hopefully change the way I look at the food I eat.

So far I have learned I have no discipline and I still look at food with a lust for flavor. I have not started this cornmeal lunch yet either. On Tuesday I was called to work at the Y and by the time we got home I fed everyone, including myself in a hurry. I forgot all about making some yummy cornmeal until I opened my pantry to get something else and the ingredients just yelled at me from the shelf.

I confessed to Alicia. I explained I was either really losing my memory thanks to 3 kids and lack of sleep or I really just don't want to eat the stuff. It could be both. Alicia made it through her week and Amy is still eating her gritty lunch. I am not made of the same stuff. But it's okay. At least I know what I am made of.

I think I'll pack it in and just write a check. If I can help someone else from not having to eat cornmeal 3 times a day that may be enough of a lesson for me.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Cornmeal Challenge

On Monday mornings I work the Y with 2 very good friends but if I continue to spend this concentrated amount of time with them I may abandon my family and head to the Peace Corps, wearing a bandanna and a t shirt with an emblem screaming "World Peace".

I will preface this also by saying I have spent many hours on my own saying there must be something good I can contribute when I have so much. Now I have found 2 women who not only do good things but also know much more than I do about volunteering, giving,
and have now given me some food for thought on world hunger. This brings us to this past Monday when Amy and Alicia began having a conversation about eating cornmeal. It doesn't sound too interesting on the surface but the whole gist behind the cornmeal is it is what hungry people the world over walk miles to get a bowl of. And let me tell you I have tasted it and I wouldn't walk a block.

Amy is eating the stuff every day for lunch for a year and will donate the money she would have spent on lunch to "World Vision" ( . Alicia is eating it three meals a day for one week. ( You can follow her week on her blog listed below) Anyway, I am the most watered down version of this because quite honestly after having "lunch" with them on Tuesday I honestly cannot bring myself to eat it more than 5 times. It is the equivalent of eating overcooked grits laced with sand and perhaps a pinch of mud. Alicia was thrilled that Amy helped her "cook" the stuff the right way. I am telling you there is no right way.

On Tuesday morning ,prior to my lunch date, I took the kids out for some errands and on our way home I was very hungry. I had only had a small bowl of cereal knowing I would be eating gruel for lunch and figured after all Alicia had told me I was better off being very hungry. But here is how the psyche works folks...

On my way down Rt 66 in Portland there is a hot dog stand and I was suddenly overcome with the urge to stop. I have lived here 3 years and have NEVER had the urge to stop. Next to that is Farrell's restaurant which has a sign announcing specials and this one said "Karen stop and have some Prime Rib" well okay it just said "Prime Rib special" but it may as well have had my name on it. And of course we passed the DQ and the Dunkin Donuts........ugh. I cannot tell you the last time I felt so hungry and all because I knew the only thing I had coming to me was gruel.

I had lunch. It was awful. But it really made me think about the millions of people who are poverty struck in this world. People who walk to get a bowl of this cornmeal to fill that angry, empty space in their bellies. The don't know how fabulous garlic tastes. Or how wonderful a hot cup of tea is first thing in the morning. Or the delight in licking your fingers clean after a sauce laden spare rib. They know only gruel and perhaps are grateful for it.

I realized in this one day how fortunate we are to have not just basic foods at our finger tips but all kinds of food. And yet we are so spoiled. We complain when the price of lettuce goes up. But did you ever get to the store and find there was no lettuce? Or when prices go up on your favorite brand of cereal? Or fresh fish? It honestly never occurred to me to just be grateful to be able to pick what I need and what I want.

So you are asking have I been eating this gruel...not yet. I procrastinated buying the ingredients, probably because I really don't want to eat it. I will start on Monday and we'll see how the week goes. I'll keep you posted.....

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pardon me while I cry....

My day started normally...boys fighting over the TV , baby crying, husband crying because he was up at 5 with the baby because I went to the gym. I prayed for noon as I do on many days that start off this way, knowing that when noon comes and the oldest gets on the bus there will be some peace and perhaps some quiet for a few short hours.

As I waved good -bye to the bus and smiled to myself , I turned to find the middle child sound asleep on the floor and the baby half asleep in the swing. When the baby stirred and made that face that caused her to look like a 90 year old man I snatched her up quick and ran up the stairs. I rocked her in the playroom and she fell asleep. I wasn't in the mood to risk putting her down. I was tired and , although I did need to clean I aborted that idea and found the red net flix package and promptly put in "Marley and me". That was the first mistake of the afternoon. Of course you have to know that the movie doesn't have a happy ending. It's about a dog's life and as all of our lives end, this dog's ends with the story. I did read the book, loved it, but fell short of finishing the last pages because I already knew the ending and didn't care to make myself cry. The movie was a different story and as I watched and laughed through most of it when it came to the end I was a blubbering idiot.

Just watching the old dog lying on the stretcher as Own Wilson tells him he really isn't the world's worst dog ( I actually think we have that title in our house) pulled at every sentimental string my body has and the tears just fell like leaves in an autumn storm. And as the trees look sad after the storm I can only say the same for me when the movie was done. I cried so much my face had a sheen to it and my eyes were small slits beneath all the swollen skin.

The movie finished in time for kid number two to wake up and kid number one to come off the bus. Kid number one promptly went to the computer and kid number two only wanted some juice and a Thomas video. Easy enough. Baby still sleeping , now comfortably on our bed, so time for a little Oprah. I had no idea what she had on but I was hoping for something funny.

Wrong. I got a farewell to Dr Oz. Which on the surface should not have been anything sad since he is only moving to his own show in September. But they brought out all the people he has helped. Including a four year old boy he saved after Hurricane Katrina. Now the tears would just not stop. It is really just ridiculous and I would like to claim post partum but since we are now 8 weeks out I am not sure that is fair.

I will say I think a good cry is healthy, even essential. And I am quite good at it. I don';t have that beautiful Demi More in Ghost cry, it's more like Jim Carey impersonating Demi Moore but regardless crying is helpful is unknotting all those emotions that build up. SO if you happen to pass me one day and I look like Jim Carrey impersonating Demi Moore no need to stop and give me a hug, it'll pass and I'll be back to normal in no time....I'm a pro.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

To Twitter or not to Twitter

My curiosity got the better of me one day last week when Barbara Walters was egged on by the ladies of the View to start "Twittering". I have heard of Twittering for awhile now....well actually since Piper was born since I have to sit for extended periods feeding her and my brain is too tired to really read anything. I have succumbed to the evils of day time television. Anyway, everyone famous seems to be on Twitter so I signed up to see what all the fuss is about....I still don't get it.

I signed up and then scoped out some famous people , like Oprah, who apparently was making dinner plans with Hugh Jackman. Do I really need to know this? Am I jealous? Well, yeah who wouldn't want to have dinner with wouldn't even need a knife!

I found that Demi Moore was in LA for a fundraiser and that she "follows" Tony fact quite a few famous people follow him. And then I got caught in this labyrinth of sentences. One sentence on one person's page sent me to someone else's page and it was ......well worse than Face book. At least on Face book I am stalking my own friends. On Twitter I clicked on people I don't know to see how they know someone else. It's really quite ridiculous. Who has time for this stuff?

So I am signed up, but you cannot follow me because I am not entering what I am doing. Who wants to know I just got out of shower to the sound of my boys pummeling each other and my infant screaming? Or that I just finished cleaning my bathroom. Or that the bottoms of my feet are so rough the pedicurist had to pull out the electric sander. It's hardly worth bragging about. And probably more information than anyone needs........