Friday, August 6, 2010

Musak to run by...

Truth be told I love music. I love to sing. I sing in the shower, the car or anywhere I am alone. I sing as though I am Barbra Streisand's long lost sister and could blow you away with my octaves and bellowing voice. Truth be told I have a quiet, somewhat in tune voice. Of course after watching "American Idol" I cannot say without a shadow of a doubt that I do sing in tune since being "in tune" apparently is something only Simon Cowell can diagnose for sure.

This week I got an IPod Shuffle. My old MP3 bit the dust. My husband proceeded to "help" me download music so I could get back to running. ( I cannot run without music since the days of the Sony Walkman) He managed to download his music onto my IPod. Needless to say I was in a frenzy to get his music back where it belonged. He listens to bands named KORN ( with the R spelled backwards which leads me to believe the band has bigger issues then not being able to speak lyrics coherently) and Nine Inch Nails. If I put on a Glenn Miller CD he just rolls his eyes and tells me I was born to the wrong generation. Could be. Or we could say that I am very well rounded. I love Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald. I love Young MC and vintage Micheal Jackson. I can dance to Black Eyed Peas or Big Band Swing. My husband thinks I am nuts. I think he has no musical taste.

I am unable to run without music. The sound of my breathing isn't really pleasant, especially with all these hills. And really it is just boring. I have done it once or twice and the time just seems to drag. With music time moves forward simply and peacefully and my legs just keep moving. MMy legs move to the beat and my mind sings along or sometimes even wanders since music also has the ability to evoke memories. Paul McCartney and Wings reminds me of summers when I was very young. Madonna reminds me of 8th grade and some pretty bad fashion choices. Billy Joel reminds me of my friend's mom who loved BIlly Joela nd we listened to him all the way to Maine one summer for a week at her grandparents house on a lake.

My husband spent quite awhile trying to figure out how to get rid of his music and get mine on the Shuffle. At one point he managed to add my songs but still had not deleted his own. He was listening to the songs to figure out where mine started and his ended and he just kept looking at me and shaking his head. "You run to this?" He asked , incredulous. We apparently "run" for different reasons. I run to be alone for an hour. To clear my head, let my mind wander. To imagine my life had I been born Barbra and could sing out loud and blow an audience away. He runs to run fast and get it over with. Thus he runs with "Bang your Head music" blaring in his ears and I run to "Love, soft as an easy chair", or something along those lines. I do like Celine Dion but I also love Aerosmith. Music is like good food, you can never get enough of it and the more stuff you like the richer the experience is. So I suppose I should give my husband's music a chance. Nah my life is rich enough.

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